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最后更新: 2015-05-06 09:02

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货)

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用途: JVM振动电机 运转速度: JVM振动电机
种类: JVM振动电机 定子相数: JVM振动电机
型号: JVM振动电机 规格: JVM振动电机
商标: JVM振动电机 包装: JVM振动电机


Unbalance motors are electro-mechanical drive units which generate circular oscillations. In contrast, linear oscillations are produced by operating two motors work-ing in opposite directions.
Infinite oscillation amplitudes With the motors off, the oscillation amplitude can be set for all JVM unbalance motors by adjusting the centrifu-gal weights. The oscillation frequency can also be ad-justed during operation via the optional frequency con-verter.
Operational reliability Proven engineering from 70 years of experience and purposeful development of our technology guarantee the operational reliability that you expect. Further atten-tion to practical design details such as non-twisting cen-trifugal weights and large, legible scales make the JVM drives the market preference
Ready for connection and easy to install JVM unbalance motors are supplied ready for connec-tion and operation. Their space-saving geometry, easily accessible foot fastenings and transport eyes make them easy to install. JVM unbalance motors can be op-erated in every position and size 10 and up are equipped with a re-lubrication feature in the standard version.
Efficiency The modern aluminium housing and 3-piece design ensures a low weight and high thermal conductivity for great efficiency and clearly defined, direct power transmission. Practice has testified to our technical concept – across the globe, even under the most diffi-cult operating conditions.




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